PEAKS & PITS... NEW BOOK out now!



Travelers to the Holy Land can all attest ... this truly is a land of "hills and valleys" (Deuteronomy 8:7, 11:11) and so is life! Hills and valleys, highs and lows, peaks and pits; whatever one chooses to call them, every person has some good days and some bad ones! Using many places and locations in the Holy Land, the author will take you on a journey from Dan to Beersheba, from North to South, and will encourage you to learn about the land ... and life in the process. Peaks and Pits is a 30 day devotional journey that will challenge one's head and heart.

Breaking pita bread over an open fire in Nazareth, I was blown away by the depth of Roger’s devotion to the land of the Bible. His fingerprints cover mission projects across the city of Nazareth, the hometown of our Lord Jesus. Of the hundreds of devotionals, I have read, this is one book that stands unique as it journeys the reader through the real world of the Bible. We not only read Scripture; we are immersed in it as we see the culture and customs that surround the biblical narrative of history. Roger brings it all to life. The title alone tells me to “Put on your sandals and get ready for a wild adventure.” The peaks and pits of modern life are paralleled in these pages and the author takes us through with hope and confidence. Thank you, Roger, for being a key part of the first Student Leadership Nazareth. Your willingness to reach students in the land is a great gift.
— Jay Strack, President, Student Leadership University

now available for purchase

Peaks and Pits is now available online at Amazon or West Bow Press.

If you wish to receive a personalized copy of Peaks and Pits, contact Roger below.


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Sail On…

Examining the “ships” of the Christian Life speaks of the many ways the life of a Christ follower is like a journey on the water. There are days when the sailing is smooth and easy – enjoyable! There are other days when the wind and waves seem to be working against you. It should come as no surprise that many of the traits, activities, and events of the Christian are called a “ship”. In fact, it seems that faith has a fleet of its on. Some of these include: Discipleship, Lordship, Stewardship, Battleship, Hardship, Fellowship, Membership, Workmanship, Worship, and Citizenship. These ideas, and so many more, are featured in this book. Every chapter is a life lesson with some aids for your navigation. Wherever you are in your life’s journey, you are sure to profit from these very applicable words.

Big Doors Swing On Small Hinges

In the same way that a big door swings on a much smaller hinge; the choices and decisions one makes in life produce a much larger outcome. The result may be good or it may be bad – it all hinges on your choice . . . your decision. In the English language the word “but” is small. However, the change it can produce or the outcome it brings can at times be large, exciting, profitable, or destructive. Truly the trajectory on one’s life can be forever altered. This is not only true for our day, it is also lived out many times in the Bible: “But Noah found favor in the eyes of God” “But Daniel purposed in his heart” “But Jonah . . . ” “But Judas . . . ” “But God . . . ” These stories and many more are seen in the book, Big Doors Swing on Small Hinges. Every chapter is a life lesson we can all profit from. Read them . . . and reap!
